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Understanding SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool that may be used to evaluate the factors and conditions present in a particular project or venture. It involves identifying the key factors in achieving an objective. We'll show you how. Download our white paper entitled: “Understanding and Using SWOT Analysis”.
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Our quarterly newsletter @theFactory contains valuable bits and pieces of helpful marketing information you can use right away. It features a “tips and tricks” section for improving your marketing efforts, an industry tidbits section, a few sage words from one of our knowledgeable staff, and other interesting stuff.
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Using the “Magic Quadrant” paradigm for competitive analysis

Magic Quadrants is a research method designed by Gartner, Inc., to monitor and evaluate the progress and positions of companies competing in specific, technology-based markets. Not every business is covered by a Gartner Magic Quadrant analysis, but once you understand how to apply the reasoning behind the process, you can perform some “Magic Quadrant-style” analysis on your own. Download this short article and we can show you how to size up your market and see where you fit in.
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Management team

Robert T. Goldberg
President and Founder

Silicon Valley marketing veteran Robert Goldberg brings two decades of proven experience to StartupFactory, LLC. Having served the semiconductor; capital equipment, software and electronics industries for the majority of his career, Bob Goldberg has become very skilled at transforming complex, technology industry marketing challenges into efficient, actionable branding strategies. Bringing a unique blend of strategic thinking, management experience and proven business acumen, Bob Goldberg has provided valued guidance to a wide variety of start-ups and established companies.

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Randy Rupert
Sales and Marketing Director

With over 20 years of experience in sales and marketing Randy brings a seasoned consultative approach to helping clients execute their B2B technology marketing strategies. Randy manages a team of networked sales associates which generates >$2M new leads annually for StartupFactory, LLC. In addition, he oversees the creative team when actively making new business presentations. He prepares creative briefs for top client accounts and works as liaison with designers managing each account.

Pepper L. Moore
Account Lead/Senior Designer

Pepper Moore is a seasoned internet marketing professional with long-term connections in Silicon Valley, San Francisco and at UC Berkeley. In addition to her interactive marketing expertise, Ms. Moore has extensive advertising account management experience; she is very metrics-minded and has the ability to articulate ROI for any given campaign. She is an analytical, financially savvy businessperson with the ability to focus on your bottom line objectives.

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Earle B. Speranza
Public Relations Director

Earle Speranza, a 17-year veteran of high-tech marketing, draws from extensive business-to-business experience in semiconductors, electronics and software technology. As PR director, Mr. Speranza is responsible for developing and implementing all phases of public relations activities in the US, Europe and Asia.

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